Giordana KNIT leggings review

Let me start off with this is like 1/2 rant and 1/2 review. 

Knit Warmers are Legit

Lightweight leg warmers are versatile and awesome. The knitted ones from Giordana are great, easy to get on and off. Offer a surprising amount of temperature range considering they are basically athletic pantyhose.  The sweet spot for these is about 50º  (10ºC). Lower end of use would be mid-40s and easily fine to ride in up into the 60s. But also they are so much easier to stash in a pocket than full thermal warmers, so if you start out on a cool morning and the sun breaks through a little later. The knit allows some good breathability and modest protection.

These aren’t to replace thermal leg warmers or thermal bibs. But they are better to replace times you’d consider knee warmers. As a bonus full coverage lightweight warmers allow you to not shave your legs into spring and save your cycling friends from your *gasp* hairy legs. These are def a cycling sock over warmer situation because they are like a second skin.

I found out about these form CyclingTips a couple seasons ago and it is one of few products that has really changed my wardrobe. The warmers offer a fair amount of stretch. But no adjustability as they are very much a tube of fabric. So if you are on quite skinny side or the thicc sprinter side of the cyclist-leg-shape-bell-curve you could be out of luck.

Giordana has also come out with a heavyweight knit. As well as a knit arm warmer. These are my shortlist of kit to try. Find them on Giordana’s site or just by ye olde Google.

Cover Your Damn Legs

Death to Knickers

Early in my cycling journey I didn’t have money for a lot of cycling gear. I managed to trade for a pair of new Rapha winter knickers and I wore them deep into a rare PNW snow-covered winter. First off, I was a young idiot, cover your damn legs when it’s freezing. Your legs tend to not feel as cold as other parts, your body simply have less receptors. Simple rule, if you need arm warmers you need leg warmers to match. The only exceptions is if you’re doing short intense race or intervals. The only case for wearing knee warmers for longer is in races that start early when it’s cold and you’re skilled enough to remove them before things get spicy. 

Bib knickers? No use for them. Use thermal bibs and leg warmers (thermal or knitted pending temperature). More even temperature control. And can be removed and fit into a pocket if the sun comes out. Bib knickers are some antiquated 1970’s idea that should be shelved with sausage helmets.

While we are here let me just throw out thermal bibs may be the most underrated piece of kit offered by several brands. Keep them loins toasty. And if paired with leg warmers you can shed a layer. Eliel offers one of the best pairs on the market.